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How to Share Your Knowledge


We can all agree that during our apotheosis and/or path to peace we run across gems of information. These gems of information are so tantalizing, inspiring, and shocking that we feel the need to share them and teach them to others. Between my life experience and the knowledge I have collected I almost always am ready to give everyone advice. However our peers are not always as excited to hear what we learned even if we are trying to help them. Here are some tips on sharing knowledge and actually getting people to listen.

o1. Avoid generalizations. The best way to turn people away is to generalize. If your information cannot be proved as applying to everyone and everything then avoid saying so. Sometimes we generalize based off our own experience which is not fair.
o2. Is your advice/information productive to your audience or your ego? Are you trying to look smart or be helpful? If you are genuinely interested in helping someone it will show and they will be more susceptible to listening to your point. If you are just trying to brag and show off new knowledge it will probably be best to keep it to yourself.
o3. Never tell, suggest. Sometimes we get stuck in the trap of telling someone what to do. Speak to the person from the position of love. Try to show them how this information can be helpful for their growth.
o4. Actually know what you are talking about. Do your research! It can be embarrassing when you don’t know what you are talking about. Sharing information with minimum research can be dangerous for your audience. I always try to do a lot of research on a subject so that I am giving correct information and to ensure no one can refute me, haha.
o5. Be about what you speak about. Don’t be a hypocrite. People are always watching so be sure you are promoting what you are speaking about. It is rather difficult to persuade someone to eat healthy when you eat Honey Buns and gas station hot dogs all day…or even on occasion. It proves to your audience that even you don’t believe what you are saying.
o6. The second someone resists your knowledge step back. This is how arguments start. Resisting doesn’t mean questioning or comparison to their knowledge. Resisting is when the person becomes uptight and extremely critical. When they build a wall against your information just stop talking. It is not a loss. It is a loss when you keep pressing. When you keep pressing it will almost always end in an argument.
o7. Be open minded. This can be tough for some of us with strong egos (like myself). Sometimes you may not want to be taught anything when you are trying to teach someone else. However the best teacher must be willing to learn. Be greedy for new information and be willing to take the seat as the student. If you cannot do this then you should keep your knowledge to yourself.