Tag Archives: self appreciation



How can we attract certain things in life when we don’t appreciate what we have already? Focus on that thought.

Be proactive in appreciating your daily lives. I have three lists I write on daily which are humbling and circulate positive energy in and around me. “Great Things That Happened Today”, “Things I Am Grateful For”, and “Great Things About Myself” are my three lists. They may seem redundant but overstand they really help one meditate on the simple joys of life. They stir pleasure and pride in one’s self.

A lot of people who are not happy with their lives overlook all the “small” things because their focus is on what they don’t have. Even those of us on the path to peace do it occasionally. We have to be consistent on appreciating the life we have at hand or else we will not be able to attract the things we want. This is a major step people often forget when practicing the law of attraction. We become obsessed with what we want to attract, so that the second we attract an event, item or person we are happy for only a moment and ready to move onto the next thing.

The Law of Attraction should not be used like a teenager with a credit card.

We should not just buy buy buy (attract attract attract)! There should be a time every day where we express gratitude to ourselves, the Universe, God, whomever or whatever you want for the things you’ve received. I personally prefer to express gratitude to my Higher Self and my energy for my manifestations. I read my lists often to recall what I attracted subconsciously or consciously.

Great Things That Happened Today
At first, this list proved to be the most difficult for me, while I am an optimist, I struggled at what actually went well for me that day. In reality I was too set on what I wanted to happen that day that did not occur. Of course the things I wanted to occur would not happen because I had the nature of greed and desire all day and not expectation and gratitude. This is a list best done at night for me, when I am winding down for bed. It allows me to recollect every small thing that stood out. Did something happen today that was productive to a goal you have? Did the food you order come faster than usual? Did you have all green lights today? Everything you list is important. It is a subconscious manifestation, no matter how small, you attracted in your life. Recognize you are always manifesting. Here are some examples off of my list:

– I woke up.
– My emails were answered.
– A loved one came to visit.
– I saw the beautiful crescent moon.
– I got approved for my apartment!

Things I Am Grateful For
This concerns general things in life. It is a pretty simple list to complete (for me at least), so I can write about 5 things a day conservatively. In reality we should treat every event, item and person in our life as something amazing. If you are grateful for the chair you are sitting in, list it. Expressing gratitude for all things small and large will strengthen your foundation and heighten your happiness as you release positive energy for manifestations. Your vibrations will be higher! You will be saying to yourself, “I am grateful for this in my life and am ready to receive my wants. I have an opening in my life for more positive events, items and people since I am already grateful for what I have now. I will be grateful for those things as well.” That simple, repetitive affirmation should be your train of thought as you write your gratitude list. Examples from my personal list:

– I am grateful for my finances.
– I am grateful for my younger brother.
– I am grateful for my working iPad.
– I am grateful for my freedom/freed-dome.
– I am grateful for my awareness.

Great Things About Myself
This is easily my favorite list. I call it my “brag list” in all actuality. I also consider this the most important list. At first you may try to reason with yourself in what is actually great about you…everything! Really take pride in yourself, this is the time when ego is okay. If we are not comfortable with the shell we are in, attracting much of anything is going to be difficult…and silly. Give thanks to yourself! Give yourself the credit you deserve! For those us who are humble or have “low self-esteem”, recall first all the compliments you’ve received and recognize those to be true. Someone may have told you that you have a beautiful smile…it is true, believe it. Use those compliments as your first things to list and build on. Think about how you’ve dealt with situations lately, the people you’ve attracted in your life and the skills you have. Really go all out on it! This list is for you and your growth. Be reasonable however, listing that you are great at arguing is not a positive thing, at all. If you start running out of things to list, start listing things you want to be great at! I try to limit this list to five things a day. More examples:

– I am very insightful.
– I attract “love” energy.
– I have beautiful brown skin.
– I am well-educated.
– I am an influential person.

Please start your gratitude lists as soon as possible. The way you feel afterwards will be amazing and you can always refer back to them anytime you feel down or discouraged. Please be thankhful for the people, energy, love, things and events in your life. If taken for granted you will regret them when they are gone! Being consistent in your love energy towards these manifestations will allow them to stay longer and allow you to have a better peace of mind!

Peace and Happy Friday the 13th!